Safety Services
Serving Northern Colorado and Beyond

Specialty Subjects

Safety Services offers many Specialty Subjects & Train the Trainer:

Water & Sanitation Districts: Most of our training is designed to give Training Unit (TU) credit.  Safety Services can provide half of the credits you are required to have.  Receive .01 TU for each hour of training

       Excavation Competent Person

This course can be from five to eight hours depending on the needs of the company. The students will receive a hand out to go along with the power point presentation and a wallet card for certification and a wallet card with basic excavation points.  The class time is made up of discussion on the OSHA standard 1926.subpart P.  There are videos of actual accidents and the causes for discussion.  Hands-on soil classification and hands-on design of different sizes of trenches in A, B & C soil.  The class will go over many pictures to identify good or bad things with the excavation. They will leave with inspection forms and soil classification forms.  The operators will receive a poster of different size excavations to keep in their machine. There is a written test at the end.

Confined Space Entry Competent Person

This course is four plus hours depending on whether the company being trained has equipment for the students to use.  The class is a discussion on the OSHA Standard 1910.146.  It covers the definitions, the difference between a confined space and a permit required confined space and the proper way to enter each.  The alternate procedures which is very important for man hole work, the duties of the supervisor, attendant, entrant and rescue.  They will be trained on the use of the entry permit.  There are videos of actual accidents to review what can go wrong.  There is a written test at the end.  

Back Hoe Operator

This course is two to three hours.  The course includes class discussion on inspection of equipment, safe operating procedures and proper way to load equipment on a trailer and tie down.  Hands-on observation of the student operating the equipment and a written test.  The student will receive a wallet card.

Fork Lift Certification

Class room discussion on the OSHA Standard 1910.78 to cover: The basic handling principals of the different types of fork lifts they use. The safe operating procedures and inspecting the unit. Hands-on inspection routine and observation of the operator on a set course.  There is a written test and wallet card with a three year date. Depending on number of students and number of fork lifts to train on the course is three plus hours.

Scaffold Competent Person

Class room discussion on the OSHA Standard 1926.subpart L to include: Definitions, different types of scaffolds, the proper way to erect scaffold, inspection of scaffold and safe use of scaffold.  If the company being trained has scaffold we will do hands-on erection and inspection with the class.   There are videos, a test and a wallet card.

Flagger Certification

This class covers the Colorado State D.O.T. Flagger Certification program. The class covers: When to flag, where to have the flagger station, clothing to wear, equipment to have, proper way to slow, stop and release traffic. There will be a discussion on the different types of traffic control devices and proper use.  If the client has equipment we will have the students demonstrate proper set up.  There are videos and a pass fail test.  Students must pass with 80% to receive a two year card.  

Operator Qualifications                                                                                                                               The Operator Qualification (OQ) law, mandated by the DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), affects those who work in the oil and gas pipeline industries. The purpose of the law is to reduce accidents related to human error by ensuring that individuals who perform certain identified tasks are qualified to do so.We can provide operator qualification training, testing, and assessments.  We provide full hands on training and testing for OQ; both of which are availale online as well. In addition, we can handle all of your OQ and Safety compliance needs in gas and oil reporting.

Specifically Oil and Gas Industry   

We can manage the following items for your company:

DOT Operator Qualification (OQ)

OSHA Logs & Requirements

Drug & Alcohol data Information

Environmental Health and Safety Information and Requirements

Environmental Health and Safety Policies required by RAVs (Review and Verification System)

Employee information

Employee Training – Scheduling and Tracking

All of your data can be exported to print, email, or it can be customized and organized in the format that your company requires. 

Safety Services

Fort Collins, CO  80528

(970) 484-7540
FAX (970) 224-3866
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